منصة شاملة ومجانية عبر الإنترنت مصممة لمساعدتك على إتقان هياكل البيانات والخوارزميات من البداية. سواء كنت مبتدئًا أو متعلمًا متقدمًا، فإن المنصة تقدم محتوى منظمًا وتمارين تفاعلية ومشاريع واقعية تغطي المفاهيم الأساسية والتقنيات المتقدمة.
“Everything Starts as a Square” is a book and video course that teaches you a simple method to designing icons that anyone can learn.
Before I learned how to design icons myself, I always imagined that they were drawn by hand using the pen tool, some sort of fancy graphics tablet, and hours and hours spent manually fine-tuning bezier curves.
But it turns out this isn’t how great icon designers work at all.
In “Everything Starts as a Square”, you’ll learn the systems experts use to create pixel perfect icons, without relying on a steady hand.
By the end of the book, you’ll have all the confidence you need to dig in and start creating beautiful icons that can hold their own against any of the sets you can find online.
Well everything you need if you aren’t that picky about minor details like tax compliance.
Keep track of everyone's salaries and whether or not they've been paid. Direct deposit not supported.
Because you’d probably be a little confused if we suggested you complicate your everyday business tasks instead.
Stay on top of things with always up-to-date reporting features.
We talked about reporting in the section above but we needed three items here, so mentioning it one more time for posterity.
Never lose track of what’s in stock with accurate inventory tracking.
We don’t offer this as part of our software but that statement is inarguably true. Accurate inventory tracking would help you for sure.
Organize all of your contacts, service providers, and invoices in one place.
This also isn’t actually a feature, it’s just some friendly advice. We definitely recommend that you do this, you’ll feel really organized and professional.
Stay on top of things with always up-to-date reporting features.
We talked about reporting in the section above but we needed three items here, so mentioning it one more time for posterity.
Never lose track of what’s in stock with accurate inventory tracking.
We don’t offer this as part of our software but that statement is inarguably true. Accurate inventory tracking would help you for sure.
Organize all of your contacts, service providers, and invoices in one place.
This also isn’t actually a feature, it’s just some friendly advice. We definitely recommend that you do this, you’ll feel really organized and professional.
Get a look at all of the content covered in the book. Everything you need to know is inside.
“Everything Starts as a Square” is comprised of 240 tightly edited, highly visual pages designed to teach you everything you need to know about icon design with no unnecessary filler.
Over an hour of high quality, step-by-step video content to sharpen your icon design workflow.
Learn how to design your very first icons in a series of screencasts that will teach you everything you need to know to go from beginner to pro in just over an hour.
Get familiar with the Figma UI, the different tools it offers, and the most important features.
Learn how to create a new artboard and configure your grid and rulers for designing icons.
Using basic shapes and boolean operations, learn how to design your own notification icon from scratch.
Learn the techniques you need to know to adapt your original icon to a modern duotone style.
Tools and resources you can use to get started even faster and progress even further.
Design assets, icon teardowns, and a community of fellow icon designers where you can ask questions, get feedback, and accelerate your learning.
Pefectly structured templates for quickly designing new icons at dozens of common sizes.
Weekly videos where we dissect and recreate beautiful icons we find on the web.
A private Discord server where you can get help and give feedback on each others' work.
Enter your email address and I’ll send you a sample from the book containing two of my favorite chapters.
Pick your package
“Everything Starts as a Square” is available in two different packages so you can pick the one that’s right for you.
The perfect starting point if you’re on a budget.
Everything icon resource you could ever ask for.
I worked with a small group of early access customers to make sure all of the content in the book was exactly what they needed. Hears what they had to say about the finished product.